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Author: Admin

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) HARSH! (Chapter 8) God is just, sin is punished Your children were killed because of their sin Listen to the Ancients Seek God and everything will be alright 2) HIDEOUS! (Chapter 18) Shut up and listen It’s the wicked who suffer like you You...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] ***Apologies agian for the poor sound quality.  A new digital recorder has been ordered. 1. On the basis of His PROVISION – v1-15: Solid Fact and Symbolic Truth The Odds? – There are no odds - it’s CERTAIN 2. On the basis of His PRESENCE – v16-21: ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Who is this man Jesus? He claims to be God (v1-18) His Knowledge, Compassion and Power He claims to be Saviour and Judge (v19-30) He calls on us to be the Jury (v31-47) He claims to be Saviour and Judge (v19-30) Jesus is the perfect...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] B e sure to grieve E ndeavour to release your emotions R efuse to be rushed E xpose your own denial A nchor yourself in God V alue the support of friends E xpect many setbacks M ove forward slowly and courageously E ducate yourself in grief N urture yourself and others T rust...

  1. What’s the Big Claim? (John 20:30-31) What’s the Particular Issue? (John 5:16-18) JESUS IS CLAIMING TO BE GOD! 2. How does Jesus back up His claim? His Knowledge (5:6) His Compassion (5:7) His Power (5:8-9) JESUS IS DEMONSTRATING THAT HE IS GOD! 3. You can Miss the Point...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] NB. Low quality audio ‘I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.’ (verse 34) (1)Who is wielding this sword?   (v34-36) (2)Why would they turn against people so close to them? v37 The Christian’s first love v38 The Christian’s self-denial v39 The Christian’s eternal perspective (3)What is...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] NB. Low quality audio ‘You will be hated by all for my name’s sake…’ (verse 22) (1) Why it’s inevitable, if we proclaim the good news  (v16-25) Sheep in the midst of wolves Servants and masters (2) Why it isn’t something to fear (v26-33)   Things to chat about Has...

22042018MIKEPM (Apologies for the sound quality) 1. The official’s RESOLVE (v46-47) 2. The official’s REQUEST (v49) 3. The official’s RESPONSE (v50) 4. The official’s REWARD (v51-53) Will YOU Live? 1. Will you take Jesus at His word as you depart? 2. “…whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”  Jesus Christ (John 6:37) 3....

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) SOVEREIGNTY! (v1-6) The sovereign Lord permits a wicked foe to strike a faithful servant 2) SUFFERING! (v7-10) The torment of body, mind & soul 3) SILENCE! (v11-13) Of Job Of his friends Of God ...