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[audio mp3=""][/audio] JESUS: 1)  HIS BATTLE! With Satan & his demons   2) HIS BURDEN! If You be willing remove this cup from Me The weight of becoming sin for us   3) HIS BEAUTY! Of His holiness, Of His willingness Nevertheless not as I will but Your will be done He became obedient unto death  ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] He has anointed Me:  To Bring Good News He has sent Me:  To Bind Up The Broken-Hearted To Proclaim Liberty To The Captives To Proclaim The Year Of The Lord’s Favour  To Proclaim The Day Of Vengeance Of Our God To Comfort All Who Mourn To Provide ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio]   THE COURIER - Tychicus (v7-8) A messenger, a beloved brother, a faithful minister, a fellow servant & an encourager THE FUGITIVE - Onesimus (v9) The runaway who became a loyal & beloved brother THE PRINCE – Aristarchus (v10) A fellow-sufferer who rebukes our self pity THE FAILURE – Mark (v10) He “made...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] The Light dispels the Darkness (v1-2) The Light attracts the Nations (v3)  Knowing and Worshipping God is the Great Attraction (v4-14)  Heaven is a Wonderful Place (v15-22) Challenges:   Where is your citizenship? Are we attractive? – “a holy church produces a hungry world” Are you fully convinced – so that...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] AT HOME! (3:18-21) Wives, Husbands, Children, Fathers: Be like Jesus: Submissive, Loving, Obedient & Gracious   AT WORK! (3:22-4:1)  Workers – whatever you do work heartily for the Lord & not for men  Leaders – be just and fair   AT CHURCH! (4:2-6) Be prayerful, watchful, thankful, wise, gracious ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] What do we see in the mirror? (v1-8) Devastation and Desperation   What do we do with what we see in the mirror? (v9-15a) Recognition and Confession   What has God done with what He sees in the mirror? (v15b-21) Intervention and Salvation  ...