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Job Tag

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) HUMBLED! (v1-6) I see Your greatness I know my smallness 2) HONOURED! (v7-9) Before his friends By God’s title By his prayer 3) HAPPY! (v10-17) Job is blessed by the Lord Helped by his family, Old and full of days ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) MAJESTY! (Ch 38) Questions from the creator: The earth (4-7), the sea (8-11), the dawn (12-15), the depths (16-17), the light (19-21), the snow (22-23), the storms (24-30), the stars (31-33), the clouds (37), the dust (38) 2) MASTERY! (Ch 38 & 39) The wild...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) ITS CRY! (13:15) “Though He slay me I will hope in Him.” I will trust God no matter what! 2) ITS CREED! (19:23-27) “For I know that my Redeemer lives…..yet in my flesh I will see God.” Redemption and Resurrection! 3) ITS CROWN! (23:10) “But...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) HIS INSULT! (11:1-6,12) You are a shameful mocking babbler You claim to be clean when you’re not You are getting off lightly You are a worthless, sinful, stupid man   2) HIS INQUEST! (11:7-20) Can you fathom the mystery of God? Can you measure the...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) HARSH! (Chapter 8) God is just, sin is punished Your children were killed because of their sin Listen to the Ancients Seek God and everything will be alright 2) HIDEOUS! (Chapter 18) Shut up and listen It’s the wicked who suffer like you You...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] B e sure to grieve E ndeavour to release your emotions R efuse to be rushed E xpose your own denial A nchor yourself in God V alue the support of friends E xpect many setbacks M ove forward slowly and courageously E ducate yourself in grief N urture yourself and others T rust...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) SOVEREIGNTY! (v1-6) The sovereign Lord permits a wicked foe to strike a faithful servant 2) SUFFERING! (v7-10) The torment of body, mind & soul 3) SILENCE! (v11-13) Of Job Of his friends Of God ...