23 Oct 2016

REAL HOPE FOR REAL LIVES 6. PRIDE! (Jer 9:23-24, 1 Cor 1:26-31)

A) PRIDE Shows itself:

1. In our WISDOM

  • We think we know better than God

2. In our POWER

  • We rely on our strength rather than God’s

3. In our RICHES

  • We get our value from “things” rather than God

B) PRIDE Leads to:

1. ENVY – we think we’re more worthy

2. BITTERNESS – we think we deserved more

3. STRIFE – we desired more acknowledgment

4. DECEIT – we don’t want to look bad

5. SLANDER – we want to be liked more

6. GREED – we want to ‘keep up with (or ahead of?!) the Joneses

C) Philippians Chapter 2

1. The Exhortation (v1-4)

  • “in humility count others more significant than yourselves”

2. The Example (v5-11)

  • Christ Jesus

3. The Exponents (v12-30)

  • Paul (v17); Timothy (v19-21); Epaphroditus (v25-30)